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Walker G. Akero
Beauregard D. Bafett

Associated Acts:
P.S.I. Tech


The Akeros rule in the the lands of the East and have done so for generations. They are practical, honorable, and tend towards blunt honesty, and these sentiments are echoed in many of their sworn shield-brothers. Although the lords and ladies wear their house colors proudly, they tend to prefer simpler dress, eschewing the fanciful and ostentatious attire of Rhy'Diners. Still, many of them have a storied tradition, and DeDaMon is one of the greatest holdings in Rhy'Din, second to none in the desert. An Akero lives for duty and dies for honor. He may ride laughing in the sunshine, joy­ously harvest his crops, and bask in the warmth of the long summer, but in his heart, an Akero knows even the brightest days end. Darkness comes to Rhy'Din as surely as death comes to every man. The shield-brothers of the Akero are a fierce lot. It is said they are excellent allies and terrible enemies. Many are as old as their liege lords, or near enough. And so Akero Investigations was born. Its goal is helping people, mainly but not exclusively against supernatural threats.